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Members in the Media

The Toronto Star,
December 26, 2008
Reaction to Senate picks a mixed bag
The Toronto Star,
December 2, 2008
What if it gets lost in mail?
The Toronto Star,
September 16, 2008
Pondering a Conservative majority
The Toronto Star,
November 12, 2007
A trend-setter for the rest of Canada?
The Toronto Star,
September 4, 2007
Driving into a tight spot
The Toronto Star,
July 2, 2007
There's too much greed, too little compassion
The Scarborough Mirror,
April 18, 2007
Workers lose with contracting out
The Toronto Star,
April 16, 2007
June Callwood
The Scarborough Mirror,
March 16, 2007
The public can make change happen
The Scarborough Mirror, January 19, 2007 Politicians of all political stripes deserve credit
The Scarborough Mirror, December 26, 2006 Same-sex marriage supporters should vote for NDP: reader
The Scarborough Mirror, December 22, 2004 Gay marriage non-issue: reader
The Scarborough Mirror, August 11, 2004 Humans worse than animals
Ming Pao, March 11, 2004 NDP Transit Day at Scarborough Centre
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